Secondary musical auditions

Auditions are coming up for "The Sound of Music!" Come out and join the Oak Farm Montessori Theatre Company by auditioning for this beloved classic musical. Auditions are open to anyone (not just OFMS students!) from Primary through High School. Auditions on Dec. 12th,at 3:45pm, are only for secondary students (grades 6-12). Auditions on Dec. 13th, at 3:45pm, are only for primary and elementary students (primary-5th grade). All students in grades 6-12 are guaranteed a part in the show. Students in primary through 5th grade may audition for one of the Von Trapp Children, but casting is not guaranteed since the parts are limited. Audition materials were already sent out, but reach out to Kavin if you did not receive them or if you have any questions - [email protected]. See you then!