Day of Giving
“What If?”
…parents and their children could have an affordable choice in education?
…there was a school established upon the needs of the child, not the adult?
Many ask questions such as these, but few are willing to take the steps to see what could happen. Our founder, Lorene Dekko Salsbery, did not only ask the questions, but she took a step out in faith and acted on it. She did not need the answer first to know it was the right thing to do.
Last week our students and faculty spent time learning about our founder, her vision and the power of “What If?” Throughout the week, the acoin drive engaged our students in the difference we can each make, regardless of the size of gift; as well as, honoring the role philanthropy has played in our school over the past 24 years. Together, our students raised over $1,500 as their gift to Lorene. Our greater community also had the opportunity to honor Lorene's legacy and birthday through the Day of Giving. Together, with our students, over $75,000 was raised on Friday, November 8th. Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us!